Day 1 of Amazon One

1 minute read


The first project I have worked on at Amazon was launched — Amazon One is an innovation to make everyday activities effortless.

Starting today, customers can use Amazon One as an entry option at two of our Amazon Go stores in Seattle—our original Amazon Go store at 7th & Blanchard as well as our store in South Lake Union at 300 Boren Ave. North. It takes less than a minute to sign up at these Amazon Go stores using an Amazon One device. The first step is to insert your credit card. Next, hover your palm over the device and follow the prompts to associate that card with the unique palm signature being built for you by our computer vision technology in real time. You’ll have the option to enroll with just one palm or both. And that’s it—you’re now signed up. Once you’re enrolled, to use Amazon One to enter these Amazon Go stores, you’ll just hold your palm above the Amazon One device at entry for about a second or so, and be on your way. It’s that simple.
